Un poco de todo y nada
Chilean free education
This post is on the controversial topic of how to provide with free university education in Chile. As to what is “free” there are different ways as to approach this subject. The current government’s idea is (which neither they have a clear idea as to how to make it happen so I’ll try to explain as…
WHO and Red Meats (Organizacion Mundial de la Salud)
Today there was a very controversial news in the Huffington Post about the cancer inducing properties of meats and processed meats (sausages, bacon -OM NOM NOM!-, franks and others). This news, other than being heaven sent to all vegans, caused a lot of confusions and headlines. For a lot of reasons, and for keeping myself informed so…
Riding the subway
It’s been more than 15 years that I’ve started riding the subway almost daily. In all that time I’ve come to a few conclusions about our Chilean ways and customs regarding others.
La sorpresa de los adultos
Hace poco me lleve la grata sorpresa de que no todo estaba perdido con la capacidad de asombro y sentir que tienen nuestros padres. Esto después de todo lo des sensitivos que esta la sociedad.